
Welcome To

B I G L A D       A G R I - T O U R I S M F A R M


BIGLAD Agri-Tourism Farm is a company limited by guarantee with no share capital registered with the Uganda Registrar of Companies (Registration No: 80020000545671 of 2017).

The organization was founded in 2008 and has over 15 years of experience in providing capacity building, research, and training services in livelihood improvement sectors such as agriculture, entrepreneurship and financial management, health and sanitation, and environmental conservation.

Through our integrated approach of application of ecological concepts to agricultural systems and methods, including science, practice, and movement, BIGLAD Agri-Tourism Farm demonstrates how agro ecosystems and food systems interact. It improves the resilience and sustainability of food and farming systems while maintaining social integrity. Our approaches focus on the practicality and innovation of agriculture, as well as its link with society and nature hence the integration of study, education, action, and change to bring sustainability to all aspects of food systems. As a result, BIGLAD Agri-Tourism Farm aims to improve agricultural systems by leveraging natural processes, fostering beneficial biological interactions and synergies among agro ecosystem components, and limiting synthetic and hazardous external inputs.

Our Mission

To promote sustainable Organic agricultural practices, boost markets, and protect the environment.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the foremost agri-tourism organization that supports sustainable organic agricultural practices, promotes rural development, and provides immersive experiences for young people to engage with agriculture, nature, and the local community.

Our Core Values

Teamwork - We are devoted to creating an environment in which every individual is treated with respect, encouraged to contribute, and acknowledged and rewarded for his or her accomplishments.

Non-discrimination - We are committed to a non-discrimination and equal opportunity policy for all people, regardless of race, color, religion, creed, gender identity, or disability.

Integrity - In all of our dealings, we are open, honest, and straightforward.Furthermore, we are responsible to our members and partners.

Respect - We value the abilities, experiences, and viewpoints of others while also acknowledging our own limitations.

Innovation - We are always applying knowledge, inspiration, and initiative to produce new ideas and value for our members.

Our Guiding Principles

  • BIGLAD is a legally registered organization that is entirely controlled and managed by Ugandans.
  • Wherever possible, the 'customer should pay'
  • We want to create a market for medium-sized businesses by practicing organic climate-smart agriculture rather than depending on aid.
  • BIGLAD Agri-Tourism Farm services should suit the needs of our clientele.
  • Donor funds should only be used to leverage government or private sector investment in medium-sized firms engaged in organic climate smart agriculture.
  • Donor funding should not be used to exclude young entrepreneurs from the Agri- Tourism sector. Instead, it should be used to make medium-sized firms that practice organic climate smart agriculture services available to young entrepreneurs who cannot afford to set up their demonstration farms.
  • We build strategic partnerships with academics, policy makers, CSOs, foundations, incubators, communities, social entrepreneurs, financiers and the Ugandan government to create and share resources towards overlapping goals.
  • We strive to embrace sustainable farming practices that prioritize environmental stewardship, resource conservation, and the long-term viability of our approaches by implementing organic farming methods, responsible water management, and energy-efficient practices.
  • We will improve the balance between the tourism and agricultural sectors by providing new markets for smallholder farmers and developing eco- and agro-tourism initiatives to enable better integration and raise the status of smallholder farmers.